Rey Nobody Sticker
Inspired by The Last Jedi Rey, when we spent 2 years theorizing Rey would be Rey Nobody, not connected to any powerful force user in the Skywalker Saga. Not Rey Skywalker or Rey Kenobi or Rey Palpatine -- Rey Nobody. Proving that a high midichlorian count doesn't have to run in your family to be one with the force.
The yellow butterflies are an homage to Rey's yellow lightsaber, with a hint of blue for her Dyad in the Force, Ben Solo.
Available in 3 sizes: 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5 (that size is the “square” they come on, and you get to peel off the sticker in the shape shown in the pic! when measuring for your stickers, measure the longest side of the design. that's what the 3", 4", or 5" will be).
Durable vinyl for indoor use. Sure to make a statement wherever you stick them.